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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

How to follow your calling and let the 'real you' shine through...

In this blog post, Claire Schrader, life coach and facilitator at the leading holistic holiday company, Skyros Holidays, talks about the call to adventure and how you can follow yours.

So, life has suddenly taken new direction. New opportunities are opening up, stirring up an energy within, and you're daunted by the scale of it because you don't know quite where to start.

Or perhaps the opposite has you overwhelmed. A spirit of adventure calls for you to break out, to live your life in a more inspiring and authentic way, and you feel excitement at that even if you don't know quite where it's coming from or how to deal with it. All you know is that your life right now is not an adventure. It's comfortable, but not what you need.

The calling is there, but how do you follow it when you don't even understand what it is?

A call is one of those tiny moments of massive proportion - meeting someone new, reading a book, watching a movie, waking up in the morning - something so simple, yet somehow your world spins on an axis as you experience the WOW factor, and something deep and powerful stirs within.

It could occur in any area of life: career, relationship, travel, home, health, family. It may be spiritual or materialistic, and you may be daunted by this, terrified maybe? Excited? Inspired? But you will never forget it. Even if you ignore the call, it will come back again and again, a whisper of a reminder. That's what a call is. And from there, you let it lead, allowing it to unfold at it's own pace.

Tips to discovering your calling in life?

1) Close your eyes and take a few breaths. With your out-breath concentrate on letting go and releasing all clutter in your mind. After a few breaths switch to focusing on your in-breath.

2) In your imagination take yourself to place in nature where you feel comfortable and at ease. Take in your surroundings, all the smells and sounds. Allow your mind to wander and see what comes. It could be an image, a symbol, colours, or a feeling, or something more conceptual. Don't worry if what comes makes little sense to you.

3) Focus on that thought, allow it to unfold. Write down what you experience, or any insights, thoughts or reflections that come to you. Let yourself dream a little. You can do this over a series of days and see if a pattern emerges.

So you got this far, but what's next?

Interpreting the results is a tricky thing because what is coming through to you is expressed in the language of the unconscious... but trust yourself give your thoughts space and time to let this unfold in their own time.

Alternatively, you could come to Skyros Island and join my course “The Call to Adventure” which starts 21st July. We’ll be having fun playing and creating together whilst at the same time releasing some of the blocks that may be holding you back from fulfilling your deepest dreams.

Many people who come to my workshops discover their calling or find insight into following what they deeply desire. They receive inspiration for the work they really want to do, or they discover what really brings them alive, or they get powerful insights into an issue that had previously perplexed them.

For more information about the Life Choices courses, or about some of SKYROS' other inspiring holidays, visit Alternatively email the SKYROS team on, or give them a call at 01983 86 56 66

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