Skyros, Greece

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Wednesday 7 July 2010

A Perfect Start to the Day by Maggie Sackett

Its 7am time for yoga with Suzie on the terrace. I’m halfway through my third week. I've been sound healed, painted mandalas, made hay with Hazel, sung a trio of songs with my Scottish and Irish inmates in an operatic belly dancing fashion and freed my spirit.

More dead dog than downward dog says Suzie, concentrate on your breathing. If only I hadn’t stopped off for that hot chocolate and brandy on the way home, may be too much after the half litre of red with dinner. It was delicious though.

Don’t let your mind wander like a drunken monkey.
But I do. I’ve had such a fantastic time I just can't stop smiling. Where is that cynical jaded anxious woman that I brought to the island before Skyros worked its magic? I'm not taking her home that’s for sure.

Put your left hand behind you and imagine you are curling it round a hamster then stretch the other up as high as you can. Keep your feet strong not like floppy dead kippers. Suzie inspects our yoga poses.

Your hamster is crushed, she reports, moving me into a vicious twist.
As the sun starts warming my body and I know the pain is nearly over, I can hear Julian crossly calling Mollie the collie who has made yet another break for freedom. Finally we lie down and Susie goes through opening our chakras as we reach the crown of our heads a white light suffuses my body and I am filled with energy. I sit up and open my eyes. The ground tumbles towards the blue green aegean sea. A perfect view, A perfect start to the day.

Maggie Sackett

Maggie attended the Writers' Lab at the Skyros Centre on Skyros island, Greece. See
The Guardian named Skyros as No 1 of the World's Five Best Writing Holidays. See press coverage here.

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